Thursday, November 25, 2010

To be thankful

Here's a list of what I'm thankful for. I do this every year.

My friends. You guys are awesome. Super Great Disco Party Biblioteca.
My family. Thanks for supporting me in the stuff I do.
My band. Thanks for bringing the RAWK.
My last band. Thanks for the good times, even if it ended suddenly.
My job. Thanks for giving me money in exchange for the stuff I do.
Foo Fighters. Thanks for being my favorite band. Still.

In particular, thanks to Mom for giving me $20 whenever I go home, Jackson for helping me through a tough day, Xander for being a kickawesome roommate (and for the porn), Jessamy for being a kickawesome quasi-room mate, Chris and Kendra for being cool band mates, and Matt for starting the BAMC.

All right. I'm thankful for these things and others. Time to go eat some good food with the family, get through a weekend at work, then ROCK THE FUCK OUT AT THE GIG AT KIMOS ON WEDNESDAY! It's the first show RUN AMOK has played in a year y'know. You should come and see us. December 1st. 9pm.

Monday, November 15, 2010

What does he waaaaaant?

I haven't forgotten about the blog I promise. I've just been busy/haven't been arsed to write anything recently. There hasn't been much going on as of late. But here we go, some stuff that has been happening in the past few weeks:

Saw Godsmack at the Fox Theater in Oakland. Kickass show.

Saw Chris's new band HELL FIRE at the Red Devil Lounge

Got a gig for RUN AMOK for Dec 1st at Kimo's

Got a sweet rehearsal space.

Got a new cell phone.

Sold some guitars.

Finally saw the Scott Pilgrim movie

I'm going to try to blog more. Be sure to check out for the Bay Area Metal Coalition, and my new blog at