Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Where's the bassist?

A few weeks ago I arrive at the studio and hear Chris and Kendra working on a new piece. It has a kind of slow acoustic building to a heavy distortion chorus kinda thing going on. It's pretty cool, and we work on it a little here and there while getting ready for Slims, Sub-mission, etc.

A few days ago Jim sends the rest of the band a link to The Letter Black's video for "Hanging On By A Thread" and asks us to think about a song in the same vein. I listen to the song and I kinda like it. It's got a catchy chorus and the chick singing is pretty hot and it's got that "modern hard rock" feel to it. The only think is that it seems like a two person show. What I mean is, the video shows the singer, the lead guitarist, and that's pretty much it. You can tell that there's a drummer, another guitarist, and a bassist in the video, but there are barely any shots of them. It's honestly a little baffling to me.

When you're in a band, you are expected to not only play your instrument, but contribute your knowledge to the band collective. What I mean is, I play the bass in my band and I sing in my band, but not only that, I'm expected to take what I know of playing bass and singing and anything else to help shape our songs into cohesive wholes. And in return, I want to be in the friggin' music video! It's really upsetting when I see "bands" that only feature the lead singer or the lead guitarist, and everyone else in the band looks like an extra they hired that day for the shoot. If a band is shooting a music video and the band has five members, I want to see five members in the video, and not just off to the side or just one or two shots. Everyone in the band should get to look awesome in the music video.

What's the point of being in a band if you don't get to be all, "Look at me! I'M IN A MUSIC VIDEO SUCK IT BITCHES!"?

BTW, our new song actually does kind of have the vibe Jim was asking about. It's called StandStill.

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