Tuesday, March 2, 2010

averaging suck

Today sucked. If you took everything that happened today, everything I did and added it all up, it would equal suckage. You see, I didn't do anything today. ok, that's not entirely true. One could argue that making hash browns and eggs for breakfast at 1pm and drinking the last Red Stripe with it was a good thing. But that's just it. I woke up at around noon, ate breakfast, drank my last beer, and afterward? Nothing. And not even a "I'm taking the day off to just veg" nothing. I mean sitting slack-jawed in front of the computer hitting the same three or four bookmarks over and over hoping to find something new that will catch my attention kind of nothing. I was bored all freaking day. I finally got out and bought dinner at the mall. Standard Sorobol fare. I came back and was bored all over again.

It's more than just being bored. It's also the fact that I didn't even try to do anything today, when I know I needed to get out and do something. Oh well. There's always tomorrow.

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