Saturday, March 6, 2010

Music related activites

It's finally happened. After almost a year of playing with Run Amok and then six months playing with the new band (Lunate Sigma for those of you playing at home), I finally have to buy clothing for a gig. Specifically, a white t-shirt. Now that Kendra's in the band (she's our new vocalist) she's been asking what we are wearing to gigs and such. While Chris was talking about some kind of syncing of dress-code I was never all that into it, thinking that we'd still all have unity even if we didn't coordinate. Now that Kendra and Chris have been talking about it together, it's become a definite thing, so this evening I went on eBay to find a shirt. I settled on an Ampeg logo t-shirt, which is cool, but I kinda forgot that I always wanted a Zildian tee as well. Next time I suppose.

I bought a 1-spot today for my pedals and by extension my new pedal board. I went into Guitar Center looking only for the 1-spot, but of course I take a look at the used section and find a Gibson Les Paul Special Faded (single cut, cherry finish, no pick guard) and an Epiphone Triggerman 60 amp. The Les Paul I def can't afford, but I'm thinking of trying to trade my Roland BC-30 amp for the Epiphone. The only real knock against it from what I've read is that it's a heavy motherfucker. We'll see.

That's all I got.

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