Saturday, March 6, 2010

New CDs

today I hung out with some friends in the Mission. We hit some thrift stores and ultimately ended up in the Union Square area. I was looking for what I always look for: Cheap CDs, old/cheap video games, and cool guitars. I didn't find any video games of worth nor did I find any guitars, but I found a Copy of STP's Shangri-la dee da at the Community Thrift Store for $2.50. Not a bad deal I thought, but I was really looking for a copy of Purple. I really wanted Interstate Love Song. So fast forward to the Goodwill store on Van Ness. Nothing. Fast forward again to Union Square where Drew and I hit Rasputin's to look at their used stuff. Holy shit do they have a lot of awesome used CDs at like, $2-3 each! I picked up Purple, Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill, Barenaked Ladies' Born On a Pirate Ship, and Snot's Alive! for $2 each, and I found Bang Camero II for $3. I even got one of 'em free since I bought 3 used CDs (I'm gonna say the BNL)! I really love getting cheap CDs. I'm not a huge fan of downloading MP3s. I'll do it, but if given the option of downloading off the 'net, buying off the 'net, or buying the CD, I'll buy the CD almost every time. Otherwise I'd probably hold off on downloading until I can afford the CD.

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