Monday, March 1, 2010

SF - 12:56 am

Um... 'kay, recording. Hi, I guess.

I already know I lost a few points 'cause I had to look up the episode I just quoted. If you're here, then you're probably as big a nerd as I am. Once again I have jumped on an internet bandwagon. I found a few blogs that my friends have, made a hasty decision to start writing again which will probably fall by the wayside some time soon, and I've found another place in the blogo-tuber-nets to brand without actually creating a website.

So to all who end up reading this first post, an introduction: I'm Damien. Y'know, like The Omen. The title of my blog does not stem from multiple personality disorder, nor am I having an identity crisis. I just like adding a little mystery to my fairly mundane life. Also I came up with it in like, five seconds off the top of my head. Folks who know me probably know my real name.

This blog is kind of an extension of the Livejournal I have that I'm not really updating too much. This seems like the more "grown up" version. Search it out if you're bored and have some time I guess. The topics of this blog are going to be pretty all over the place I'm sure. Expect some weird phraseology, music posts, the latest video game I've played, and maybe even my favorite porn.

I'll end my first Blogger Blog post with this: I'm a guy who is always stepping back and thinking. Perhaps too much. Maybe the blog title is more apt than I thought.

-- DB

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